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  • Run 4 MAGIS


    What else can you do to prepare for MAGIS? Go sporty! We invite you to participate in run4MAGIS.

    If you want to take part, check the distance between your hometown and Łódź – the city where MAGIS 2016 will be launched (use Google Maps or freemaptools). Then travel the given distance in any sporty way: you can run, walk, hike, cycle, swim, skip, skate or whatever else comes to mind.

    To register your achievements install Endomodo (free app for Android/iOS/Windows) and search for run4MAGIS event. The app will automatically measure travelled distance. We start on 15th July 2015 – you have one year to run4MAGIS.

    Do you want to do MAGIS? Chose any place in the world which needs your prayer and start your run from there. Join your effort with prayer for sisters and brothers in need.